Rotary Club of Kampala East

Rtn Dennis Mubangizi, President, the Rotary Club of Kampala East.

Presidential Message


Rotary Club of Kampala East (RCKE) is characterized by a diverse membership of all adult ages, sex, nationalities and business professions. We are also diversified in our classifications namely; legal, doctors, accountants, business, bankers, contractors, engineers, Management, Marketing, financial, teaching, communication, civil servants and many others.

We are balanced in gender where women take 29% of club membership. We are looking forward to increasing this proportion to over 30% in the near future.

Furthermore, we are a singing club and this is very well known across rotary in Uganda. We sing during fellowship as a way of energizing members, guests and to having fun.

Finally, we love rotary and this is demonstrated by what we do in our club service, community engagement and projects, active participation in wider rotary activities like joint club activities, in District conferences and RI conventions. We are also active in serving beyond the Club especially at the district level and supporting District Governors.

Largely we are a calm, gentle and fun inclined club.

What drives the club

In addition to the above club character, some of our charter members are still very active in the club and this gives morale, inspiration for other members to emulate. Some of the active charter members are; PAG Joel Sekabembe, PP Jim Sematimba, PP Alan Shinobu, Rtn Moses Gabigogo, Rtn Moses Bbossa.  These members are the front leaders in singing during fellowships.

Club members possess endearing passion to give back to society. This motivates members as they feel that their service contributions have a positive change to other peoples’ lives. This aspect keeps members together as they seek to serve the club, rotary and the communities.

Our meetings are on Thursdays at 7pm at Hotel Africana. This hotel provides a good venue due to its centrality in Kampala and we are happy with services the hotel management provides us.

Why the Club Website now

The website is one of the planned goals 2023/24 under public relations (PR) directorate and drawn from the RCKE’s five-year strategic plan 2021-2025.

The club website seeks to largely answer club visibility and Image questions. It’s also expected that the website, will build a knowledge base to be shared with the wider audience globally. The club will regularly update the website with all relevant information regarding the club, rotary and any other material appropriate to be shared widely.

We have other social media pages and channels like tweeter, Facebook and Club runner. These will remain active and provide alternative channels to club information and provide visibility to the Club and rotary. Other PR/visibility branded (in compliance with RI brand Centre) materials include; Pull up Banners, Tear drops, Exchange Banners and Visiting Cards.


Together, all the above activities will strongly and continuously improve the club visibility both within the club itself and the wider community. 

Some of the Club’s Contributions to Society

The Rotary Club of Kampala East Ltd (RCKE) Club No. 25338 District 9213 was chartered in 1988 and since then has implemented very many community projects (well itemized on the web page). Suffice to note some of the recently implemented projects; the club has an adopted village model – Kasanje, in Kasanje Town council, Wakiso District. The communities involved in this adopted village are: Sakabusolo. Jjungo, Buvvi, Karandazi and Kasanje parishes. This is where most club projects are concentrated.

Within this adopted village, we have supported St Kizito Primary school with two classroom blocks, mobilized Wakiso district that built teachers houses, built school toilets and equipped classrooms with over 100 desks and chairs, provided study materials, provided clean water for the school and the community with two boreholes courtesy of Tabitha & co who donated funding for the drilling; and improvement of the environment by planting a forest on a 10 Hectare land, working closely with Kalandazi Rotary Corps. 


In rotary year 2016/17, the club applied for a GG for construction Sam Owori Memorial Primary School in Nakasongola. The grant was received, construction and various activities have been ongoing since, and hopefully this project will be completed and officially handed over to the beneficiaries this rotary year 2023/24.


In the rotary year 2021/22, the club developed a Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Signature project, The Club applied for a Global Grant for support to mother and child health for the Kasanje community under MoH health center IV. This has been implemented in this rotary year 2023/24 jointly with other six Rotary Clubs supervised by the Rotary District D9213.


In addition, in this Rotary year 2023/24, the Club launched and implemented the District Signature Project dubbed Boy Child Uplifting Project (BICUP) in two primary schools of St Kizito primary school and Mbuya CoU primary school respectively. The project was launched by the District Governor D9213 2023/24, Rtn Edward Kakembo during his annual visit to our Club on 2nd September 2023. During this visit, the governor vaccinated some children who had come for both vaccination and medical treatment.

As a Club we annually conduct community medical camps that include both vaccination and medical treatment. This Rotary year 2023/24, two medical camps were implemented in our adopted village – Sakabusolo parish and Mutundwe/Kasokoso village communities respectively.

In addition, the club conducts annual social activities such as home hospitalities, club retreats, official and informal fellowships, friend of the year sessions, gift exchange to friends of the year, end of year/Christmas parties, vigil and paying tribute to a departed member and close family. These club activities help members interact informally, build bonding and enhance Club cohesion.

Our Club has a saving culture and has registered two saving institutions. These are Kampala east endowment fund and OsiL.   These two investment arms contribute to membership income, cohesion, motivation and retention.   

This website provides another avenue for both club members and outsiders to keep updated on what’s going on in the club and to understand more what we stand for as a rotary club within rotary fraternity. We are in the initial phase of its development and therefore urge readers and viewers to give us any feedback on the content there in and also provide us with alternative information to continuously enrich this website.

I welcome you all to this website and trust you will enjoy the reading and viewership.


Rtn Dennis B Mubangizi

HCP President 2023/24

RC Kampala East




I wish to acknowledge the contributions Club members who drafted the Club strategic plan 2021/25 and factored in this website element to improve our visibility. You are sincerely appreciated.

Club members join me to express sincere appreciation to our AG Gloria Katuku who donated money worth $200 and recommended to us a web developer Mr Moses Oboth.  We have only utilized this funding without touching member’s money, this means we have saved the budgeted money to be used for another demanding club activity. Viva AG Gloria.

To the PE Rtn Jacqueline Mali for the invaluable time, information and guidance that has seen this website launched.